Wednesday, October 5, 2016

{Kim Kardashian stole jewelry items that could be worth more than}

Kim Kardashian's Raiders Associated Press, and French star kidnapping, police continue to search for clues as to the identity of being the five masked gunmen are still at large.

Prosecutor to comment if they believe that this decline was an inside job; However, the head of the Paris police department spokesman told AP that attack Primevert Johanna Kim probably led to a social media presence. Kardashian Kanye West's $ 4.5 million diamond ring near her husband, thieves took off with brilliant, plus another $ 6.7 million in jewelry and other shows.

But does not end here.

According to People, the two thieves also took Kim's cell phone. TMZ is only one complaint and that was a compromise that information. Still ... could be the work of a second theft? Rumors likely to be on the phone for fear of possible blackmail Kardashians do.

However, if the thief as sophisticated as some reports claim, nor his call may have been wiped clean time. Understanding what information call (or phone) may be on?


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