Thursday, October 13, 2016

{{'Vendetta' incredible round of competitive score 'quick money'}}

An incredibly high score for the first time as "fast money" of "Vendetta" contestant Kai Trimble family got to play. All the doors came from a survey of 100 married men, and Kai, a woman, to win the match with the score 1 No. 194 to 200 in response to the need for four out of the five classes. The crowd, moss family was crazy when he saw the score, but the algae barely cracked a smile. In fact, he told host Steve Harvey, turn, appeared, "I said."

After coming out of the moss, Harvey asked how many points he knows he is or how many points you need to moss. He knows what we need and could not believe it when Harvey told him.

"Are you kidding me?!" He said, as the crowd loudly cheering again.

You need just six points to win, he is understandably feeling a little, but when it came time to answer the question, he did not respond, Kai almost identical. Your first answer was different. He's like, eight and nine answered'd Kai said. The other four answers, he turned and horns pass, and never again have the opportunity to reply. We need six points, then it came down to my first answer. Harvey knew he would think it difficult.

"He told you everything. That's why I knew it was going to be difficult," Harvey said.

100 Trimble family to get married, "Nine" quick money in order to answer the first question does not need to win six of the men surveyed. 9. Board changed and got 194 points for their own Kai was incredible, and showed barely adequate.


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